River Engineering (antiflood management) in Oswiecim (Aushwitz) (PL) 0+000,00 to 0+723,06
The drawings show:
1) Plan view PDF of the Sola River in Polish city Oswiecim (Aushwitz) with designed route of 723 meters
2 ) Profile of the stream with natural an engineered elements with their attributes PDF, from the top you can see as follow:
– comparative level (all levels are based on elevation above main sea level in meters AMSL)
– elevation of the right bank (AMSL)
– elevation of the left bank (AMSL)
– elevation of existing watercourse bed in the stream’s current (AMSL)
– elevation of the watercourse bed in the axis of the designed rute (AMSL)
– designed slopes
– elevation of designed stream bed
– engineered elements of the designed route
– distances and hectometers (chainage)
Please e-mail me if you are interested in CAD copy with technical description on which the drawings are based.
3 ) Designed river cross sections with natural river bed and designed indicating Water Surface Level with Volume of maximum reliable flow
and considering optimal hydrodynamic balance of the riverbed using Peter Muller equation (see technical description)
Engineered Sola River plan view PDF,
Sola River profile with natural an engineered elements with their attributes PDF,